Friday, June 19, 2009

Galactic Mailman

galactic mailman done

The Universal Sacrifice (US) started, as a theoretical model of population control and worked as such for well over 2000 years. To create a real US and from the Homeric conceptual mold, must have major justifications. Since the US has training to be both a Spartan (like) soldier and Jesus (like) humanitarian, there must be an explanation for these requirements. Training should provide some clues to the required duties and tasks to be performed by the US. Two reasons stand out as most possible, one is he is just a simple messenger or sort of galactic mailman and the second reason would be he is expected to sit in some kind of judgment of the human race.
The messenger theory is the most appealing concept and fits into the overwhelmed environmental references in linear western scripture. This would, possible mean the US is some kind of Future Lot of a foresee Sodom and Gomorrah. The Future Lot concept is further appealing considering the US, later in life is funneled into traditional geology school. It also seems he could have been created to disregard the current understanding of earth’s environment and climate. The US appears to be the perfect figure with his background to come to understand earth’s real glacial rotation climate cycle. As an advanced geologist he will also understand how to force, or stop earth from entering the global winter period and resulting collapse of the Northern Grain Belts.
Creating the dual persona both a Hero and Sacrifice does fit into the sense of creating someone to sit in judgment and serve fast and fair sentence. Since the US was denied justice throughout his life, it would make sense that he would seek this as a path or life goal. Since the US appears to hold many dualities it could be a combination of the two purposes or tasks. The first test passed by humanity and the following left open to be determined, by the simple twists of fate.
In order for someone to sit in Judgment would require the means and reason to do so, and as pictured in the Virginia State Flag the US is provided with neither. And, looks more like someone forced to deliver a message from the Giant Eyeball God. People tend to not acquire, means or resources in life, to Judge and sentence anyone, so it is not likely this is his first or overall purpose for being created. As pictured in the Virginia State Flag, the US does not appear to care to perform his job or have interest in the available crown. It is worth exploring both concepts to make sense of any end game plan.
The messenger and Future Lot fits into the Biblical puzzle with all its environmental references and documentation. In order for someone to perform the messenger task would required constitution, at least to stand up to Giant eyeball god, and go against the grains of the controlling society class. So a soldier or Spartan like up bring would be useful. The healing machine or symbiotic Jesus training would give him a reason or sub conscious guilt to take on such a responsibility. Since his own created world would now be threatened. Most people are willing to avoid most involvement in any issues, which is beyond their control. This would be the case with the US, up to a certain level. A holocaust or global environmental disaster would push the US to fight the constructed system and its controlling figures.
You can create a child willing to kill but only to a limit and a holocaust would push him past that edge of tolerance. The radical upbringing of the US appears to be to create someone to push beyond the mortal limits of fear, hate and love. The US is also forced to live under authoritarian rule and psychological fear. And, a Spartan will only live so long in fear, before he will turn, attack and demand equal retribution; “right is right”.
If the US is a messenger, than his job will be to give humanity some kinda reality check, one they will have to find on their own, as a test or rite of passage, into being human. If humanity does not evolve, than the normal Global Glacial cycle will be forced to begin a new, and the Northern Grain Belts will be collapsed. Humanity will quickly find what hells can be produced on earth.
The current media, global warming platform is obviously not bound by science but a political platform, lead by political figures and might just in fact have religious or equal Homeric purpose. If this is the case, their spooks person, Al Gore would represent the false profit, and the Beast is the (US). The false profit must also be forced to deliver his message, just the wrong one, which is designed to mislead humanity. This must be a test, humanity, passes to live and find its imagined, heaven on earth; or some biblical shit like that.
The question will be if humanity has evolved or are they still primitive brutish self centered apes, unable to live in order and peace without a Homeric and Sacrificial giant eyeball god? This would mean that the eyeball god provides humanity with two messengers, one through the media and one they have to search for and support; to pass or fail the test.
Since Eyeball god seems to always to be testing his subjects it appears that the trail and tribulations makes sense in the larger puzzle. To move into a future, not controlled by the Eyeball god, and Homeric / Sacrificial metaphors of political control might just require mental advancement, beyond the primitive human emotions or humors. Each time humanity fails, it is possible they are given another chance, after a period of Ultra-violence and following the next Glacial winter cycle; about every 110,000 years.
The best messenger reference outlined in the bible, is the story of Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah which conveniently has an environmental disaster associated with the story. This event is like everything else in the Bible, a metaphor to future events and characters, since everything in the bible seems to speak of the future and past.
In the Glacial respiration work it was determine that most figures, like the first and second coming of Christ represent the two environmental disasters associated with the global climate cycle. One being the great flood and the other, an environmental disaster where earth moves into its winter stage, where the land dries and crops fail. Remember to grow Glaciers, water has to be extracted and this occurs at the most venerable medium fist, the top soil. So the Universal Sacrifice is created at the point in the cycle to test humanity and give them a chance to evolve into the next human stage, or continue to be trapped in the global glacial cycle.
The Brigadoon story is a great modern media, metaphoric reference the Glacial Respiration cycle and tells of a mysterious Scottish village that appears for only one day every hundred year. To the villagers, the passing of each century seems, longer than one night. The enchantment is viewed by them as a blessing rather than a curse, for it saved the village from destruction. According to their covenant with God, no one from Brigadoon may ever leave, or the enchantment will be broken. Like the broken chain in the Virginia State Flag. The inhabitants will end up disappearing into the mist forever. This is the metaphorical media representing the Climatic Glacial Cycle. The Brigadoon people are not evolved enough to understand why this cycle occurs in nature naturally, so they created a god to explain the event. The US must be the Future Lot and Brigadoon references him as, someone who has left the village, braking the chain of enchantment.
Let us conclude with the Sacrifice and Hero elements in relation to the US developmental plan. It is obvious the US was not created in real life to be killed, that would just be stupid. In addition he was placed on the Virginia State flag and given a curse so his death, is your death. As far as being a hero, Droogs are oddly creatures, sociopaths which steer themselves way from society. Making a public figure out of someone removed from society is either not functional or practical. It appears that neither a Sacrifice nor Hero is his job, as required by the Giant eyeball god. You could think of a Droog as damaged goods, so he can only really function to deliver a message. The US must, be the galactic mailman, nothing more, nothing less. The conclusion is, message delivered, future is predicted.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Universal Facilitator Unmasked for all to See

the Universal facilitator
A critical figure required to create the Universal Sacrifice (US) will be called the Universal Facilitator (UF). Many of the Homeric and Sacrificial metaphors in Linear Western Religion and preModern media are mixed and blended between the two figures. Both the US and UF have metaphors that speak of someone to come in the future and indeed equally make a sacrifice. In addition many of the Homeric characters in preModern media hold duality, as in, a second personality or dual persona, representing both the US and UF. The outlined recipe for the US and UF was first outlined in the bible and later detailed in preModern media.
The job of the Universal Facilitator (UF) is to create the Universal Sacrifice (US). To make a US, involves the participation of the Childs family and an organized group of medical doctors, psychologists and a network able to keep secrets and be able to intimidated anyone in their way. The United States military is the only institute able to manage, control and enforce the program. Two very different stages of evolution are required by the US, and the UF is key to making sure the training is fulfilled. The first part requires constructing a Spartan child and the last part requires the righteousness, and symbiotic Jesus training acquired on the healing machine. Finally we will explore the encrypted media to separate the two personalities.
To start, let’s analyze who the UF is in real life and move on to his job, responsibilities and finally locate him in the Homeric media. A certain person is selected to be the UF and we will outline who he is, before what he is intended to perform. The UF is a military intelligence officer stationed at the Pentagon under the umbrella of an operation called the Green Door. He is the grandfather of two sons which are not his, no blood relationship. These two kids are the Homeric Cain and Able figures and the UF is the Abraham figure.
The relationship between the UF and US is one of a family relationship but not a blood relative. The Universal Facilitator adopts a young girl into a marriage; this will be the quintessential Mother Marry. Her child will be selected into the US program following an intensive process of mental and psychological evaluations. Choosing someone to be cursed and this curse means you cannot kill him, is done with great caution. The whole nonsense of the immaculate inception only refers to the overall plan to produce a US, and do so, not from the bonds of a loving family. The psychological conditioning required to create the US involves the interaction between two male children where the US is continually unjustly punished and not equally adored.
The UF job would involve both delivering the physical abuse, to create a Spartan like warrior, and smaller duties like braking toy’s or adding holes to his clothes. The differences between the two Future Cain and Able children will become obvious and create a Cinderella type family atmosphere. Whereby, one boy has toys, and nice clothes and the other a box of broken parts and hand-me-down stained and ripped clothes. This creates social separation from within the family unit, and if you do not belong equally to a family unit, you tend to detach yourself from the outside world. This creates someone separated from society, a sociopath, which means he will not follow society but create his own.
The UF is required to manage this child’s movements, friends and public life. To begin, there is a strict selection process, and countless psychological evaluations. Once selected into the US program, movement through different schools begins. This will eliminate friends and natural grouping activities. With an organization like the military intelligence, social activities can easily be minimized along with other neighborhood children. Eventually the US will give-up on mixing with society and become his own Smeagol Gollum.
The UF now at this time in his life is a retired Air force Colonel and employed at the local community college. Due to the neurological effects of lead poising the US is guided into the community College where he continues to be under the influence of the UF. The UF is now positioned as the college registrar, and has the ability to influence what classes and teachers the US attends. Classes would fill or be opened to direct the US into the desired program. Teachers that would not participate were intimidated, threatened or fired.
The lead poisoning is extremely important because it hides the true intelligence of the US and prevents him from almost every opportunity for self advancement. Toxic lead poisoning has major effects on the ability to read, write and concentration. If the US is not poisoned, the chances are he will be able to solve everything, prior to completing all the levels of training. Although, it was more than obvious, to the US that he was being trapped and did not have the ability to escape.
The classes or program that the UF did not want the US to take, he would just use his influence to have him fail. This would focus him into the program required for his training, and this was the X-ray / Radiology program. The X-ray program was the gateway to have the US find work on the healing machine / Lithotripsy unit, to complete his symbiotic Jesus training. Or let’s say, make his own sociopathic world self-righteous.
All of the US friends and girlfriends are also filtered and chosen from other military or CIA families. Their job is to further detach the US from forming or creating his own social group, and away from the planned program. Economic success of the US would also have to be prevented, so the harder he works, the less he advances.
What institutional training most kids get in the school system, to conform to society and social customs must be rejected. The US must find his own social model and most importantly reject society as being normal. To the US there is nothing normal about normal society, and it’s a perceived reality.
Finding the UF in the media
Attempting to locate the US in the media will require exploring the standard hero and side kick relationship which has biblical origins. Characters like Batman and Robin, the Lone Ranger and Tonto and Captain Kurt and Spock have origins in Revelations and are expressions of the relationship, between the US and UF. The dual figures are a representation of one of the Four horsemen, in fact, Death and his sidekick Hades. Also characters with dual personalities like Superman and Clark Kent, the Hulk and Dr. Bruce Banner are also an alternative representation to the Death and Hades association. The Bible could be thought of as continually expanding, with modern media further defining and detailing its characters.
The duality represented in the Horseman Death and Hades also holds a double meaning, because it, in addition represents the split personality of the US. Death does not represent the death of mankind. The Church does not fear or care either way what happens in mankind, the church fears the death of the church. Just like any legitimate corporation.
In the Book of Revelations, Death and his side-kick Hades, ride over a fourth of the earth, to kill with a sword, with hunger, and with the beasts of the earth. This is what happens when the population becomes aware that this is an institute of population control. The beast’s reference is their own practitioners, the human population which has been herded like beasts of burden, but might one day wake up to the truth. The truth provided by the US.
Abraham is the most prominent reference to the UF. The action of god asking Abraham to kill him a son is actually an order to create the US. In modern media Abraham is further outline in the song Highway 61 sometimes called the "Blues Highway," Here are the Lyrics: (Bob Dylan) God said to Abraham 'Kill me a son' Abe said 'Man, you must be putting me on' God said 'No' - Abe said 'What?' God said 'You can do what you want Abe, but next time you see me coming you better run' Abe said 'Where'd you want this killing done?'God said 'Out on Highway 61'.
The color blue in the name of Blues music actually refers to the smock worn by the US on the Virginia State Flag. So the Blues music and all of Bob Dylan’s work outlines or details both Homeric and sacrificial element of the US and the UF. Abraham's name was originally Abram, which means "great father"; god changed the name to Abraham, which means "father of nations.

The people who worked to create the US believe they were creating a peoples king, but that was never the real intentions. There is a much deeper and darker duty required of the US and that is to be a Future Lot of the future Sodom and Gomorra trilogy. You could even say the UF and most of the people that help create the US were tricked to thinking they were a Homeric Hero, or people’s king, when in fact this is furthest from the truth. That is why the crown in the Virginia State flag is below the US, because it is a trick. The reason why the US was created will be later explored in a future post.

Lot and his Daughtersgbrf